
Are we shocked when God does something amazing?  No, we are not.

Are we amazed that sometimes He can use us to do something amazing?  Yes, we are!

That is interesting considering we can read a story in the Bible where  He used a  donkey!  ( Numbers 22- Balak’s donkey.)


I saw a sign once that said,

“God doesn’t want our ability, He wants our availability”

and that is a true statement.  We need to make ourselves more available to God.  What does that look like?  Well,  it can look like different things for different people.


For example it might be:

  • Giving a ride to the neighbor lady who needs to go to the grocery store, but can’t drive anymore. 
  • Fixing a meal for a family that just had a baby, or lost someone, or had surgery and just got home from the hospital.
  • Praying for people as God puts them on our heart even if it’s in the middle of the night.
  • Inviting somebody to church, picking them up, and then taking them to lunch after.
  • Walking up to someone at church that you don’t even know and introducing yourself and smiling and making them feel welcome.
  • It may be sending your pastor a little note telling him how much you appreciated the sermon and how you so appreciate that he/she is the pastor of your church.
  • It could be saying something encouraging to a mom who’s child is having a tantrum in the grocery store.
  • Letting someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store or any store where you are shopping this Christmas.
  • It could mean saying Merry Christmas and not happy holidays, and not being apologetic about it.
  • Giving to a Ministry instead of spending money on ourselves.

You see it’s just the little things that make a difference.  Be proud that you are wearing His name.  Let others see Him through you – Jesus with skin!  They might not be reading the book yet, but they are reading your life!  Make it count for some thing, make it count for Him!


And I am challenging you to step out of your comfort zone and make it personal.   Make it real.  It may be easier to  put money in an envelope or even easier to make a donation on line, but this time do it face-to-face and see what a difference it can make in somebody’s life …  maybe even yours!


Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.


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