
Are You Dressed for Battle?  By Janet Henman.

The world is in an uproar and fear and anxiety has gripped many hearts.  We have a very real Enemy who seeks to deceive and destroy and distract us and make us lose heart and faith.

BUT we serve a God that wants us to keep our focus on Him and to prepare for the spiritual battle ahead of us!  He will deliver us from all our fears and anxieties.  So, are you ready to “put on” the armor He has given us to fight these battles???

Ephesians 6:13-18 tells us how to do this:

Lord, thank You for giving me everything I need for doing battle in Your name and in the power of Your Spirit; I put on my “Armor”—

  1. Protect my mind and imagination with “the Helmet of Salvation”. I will focus my thoughts steadily on Your love and power.
  2. I claim Christ’s “Righteousness” as my “Breastplate”, protecting my heart and emotions.
  3. So that I won’t be governed by feelings, wrap Your “Belt of Truth” around the core of my being to protect me from deception.
  4. Guide my steps with the “Sandals of Peace”. Set my feet firmly in the good news of Your redemption and love for the world, and empower me to stand firm against attack.
  5. I raise my “Shield of Faith” to protect me from Satan’s arrows as I stand shoulder to shoulder with Your army in a wall of opposition against the enemy’s schemes.
  6. I take up the “Sword of the Spirit”. Plant Your Word deep in my heart in a fresh, exciting way so I will always be ready to deflect and cut down lies with Your truth.



May we never be so preoccupied with fighting anxiety and fear that it makes us lose our focus on the Joy of knowing God and His peace and love!

As you “put on your armor” and “dress for battle” may you know you are fully victorious and secure in Christ Jesus, and that He has already defeated the enemy!!


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