
I Have No Hands But Yours.  By Tracey Mason.

There is a powerful story of a statue of Christ outside a church in San Diego, California.  A full-size figure of Jesus is depicted with open arms to a hurting world.  Sadly, around 1980 the church was vandalized, and the hands of Christ were broken off.  Many church members and people of the community donated towards the repairs of this destructive act.  After much consideration, a decision was made that instead of repairing the statue, two plaques would be posted at the base.  The profound words on those plagues stated, “I Have no Hands but Yours”, one in English and one in Spanish.  What a challenge to us all to be the hands of Christ to others.

On average there are 132 suicides per day in the United States.  People of all ages are hurting everywhere and tend to escape life’s heartaches by seeking drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.  Anxiety, stress, depression, grief, and mental illness are on the rise with no promise of hope.  It is said that a person can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, possibly eight minutes without air, but not even a second without hope.  More than anything else this world is seeking hope- but will we take time to be the hands of Christ to others?

We have many interruptions throughout our day- a phone call, text, email, someone cutting you off in traffic, or maybe a person in need.  The story in Luke 10 :30-37 of the Good Samaritan is a fitting example of a life interruption.  Three different people were interrupted by the man that was robbed and beaten as he went from Jerusalem to Jericho that day.  Even though two of them were religious,  they looked the other way and acted as if they had a “do not disturb” sign around their necks as they passed by.  The one that stopped and showed compassion was actually a Samaritan, which in those days was an enemy to the man.  But he took the time to help the wounded man and even spent his own money to assist in his healing.  This man truly portrayed the hands of Christ.  We are commanded to go and do likewise.

In a world where so many are hopeless and seeking to be loved, do we take the time to show them we care?  Do we sacrifice our time to listen and invest in helping others?

On September 16th in Nampa Idaho, Hearts Being Healed Ministry is welcoming the hurting, the wounded, those that really need the hands of Christ to pour hope into their lives.  Have we spent time in prayer for those that will come?  Have we put aside our burdens so we can minister to those in need?  Are we ready to enter the emotional emergency room of people’s lives and show them the love of the Savior?

God’s love for people with broken hearts is clearly expressed throughout scripture.

Psalm 34:18 says,

“The Lord is close to the broken hearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” 

Psalms 147: 3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Also, four times in Psalms 107:6, 13, 19 and 28 it tells us the same thing over and over. –

“Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.” 

Christ is the answer, we just need to be his hands!  Let’s boldly go forth and help others to not let their past ruin their future, by showing them that the Love of Christ can heal them today!


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