
Living Sacrifices to God.  By Laura Carson.  

Romans 12:1  “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  “NKJV

God is a good God, rich in mercy and faithfulness.  What endless patience and love we need every day.  And each day we get It – a fresh beginning with God!  In turn we have it to give freely to others.

Some time ago I worked as an aide at a Mental Health Facility.  I knew that was where God wanted me to be at that time.  There were several reasons for my confidence about God’s direction.  He opened the doors and provided for that position.  Plus, I am a morning person and I was assigned to the Night Shift.  Amazingly, I had no trouble sleeping days.

I felt strongly that I was there to work, but more importantly to pray.  The Lord instructed me to pray for my coworkers and myself for protection and safety.  Then later the Lord impressed upon me to pray for the hurting and broken folks that were admitted.

I learned that those that serve the community through the Mental Health arena have a high incidence of suicide.  After hearing that, my prayers changed in fervency and time spent with the Lord.

My coworkers became aware of my beliefs and my prayers.  If a call came in advising us of an incoming patient, they would direct me to “please pray, we have a heavy case coming in”.

That job was a huge departure for me and took me well out of my comfort zone.  But I was at peace and happy, knowing that was where God had me for that time.  I was only there for one year, on-call.

Ten years later I was deeply saddened to hear that one of the young men I had worked with at Mental Health had taken his own life.  That news made an impact that further deepened my prayer life.

God tells us in Romans 12:6-8 how to exercise our talents, and He encourages us to exercise them.  Then He tells us in Romans 12:9-21 how to exercise our love, and encourages us to love.  I see the two working hand in hand.  We each have different gifts, let us use them.   Let us minister to those around us as God has instructed.

If you have received Christ and His Spirit you have already received God’s best!  You are free to live in the fullness of Christ.   

And also Christ commanded us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. “Matthew 28:19 NKJV


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