
Running into Jesus’ Arms.  By Linda Kennedy.

Many years ago when we lost two precious boys within a five-month period, I finally surrendered to Jesus.  No, that certainly didn’t take away the pain; but I did discover at that same time a new joy in my heart – I now KNEW that I would see my boys again someday in Heaven.

I also knew when the deep throes of sorrow hit me as I remembered my boys, that I now always had Someone who I could turn to – my Lord Jesus.  As I would sit crying my heart out in my pain, often He would fill me with peace that in my human flesh I could not understand.  Sometimes it was through a Bible verse, sometimes a friend would “just so happen to call,” and sometimes it was simply a calmness that would flow through me.

My heart’s desire became sharing with others who had lost children how Jesus had changed my life.

One day many years ago a seemingly perfect opportunity came my way.  A friend at church said she’d met a new gal who was now attending that same church.  She had lost her teenage son and was thinking about starting a support group for people who had lost children.  She knew it was my heart to help others, so would I be interested in meeting with her?


After service that day we were out in the parking lot, and my friend introduced us.  After expressing to this sweet lady my sympathies, I told her I would love to join her support group, as Jesus had helped me so much through my times of pain, grief and sorrow.  I wanted others to know there was Hope.

The look in her eyes changed as she stared at me:  “Jesus is having NOTHING to do with this group!”

I was floored, and so sad.  It was clear there was still so much anger in her; yet she was refusing to come to the One Person who could help her heal.

Fast forward to February 2024.  I was now a part of  the new Prescott chapter of Hearts Being Healed, and I was scheduled to attend my first HBH conference which was going to be held in Yuma.

I already knew the basic agenda and how things were set up.  But being there in person changed my life.  I witnessed healing in so many women – from Jesus who is the centerpiece of this ministry.  Tears were shed by many, of whom I was one.  My faith was invigorated and impassioned to a new level.  It was truly an experience I will never forget.

One of my favorite verses is Revelation 21:4, which talks of when us who believe in Jesus are situated with Him in Heaven.  I memorized this verse many years ago, and still turn to it often:

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

We can keep trying to handle our pain and sorrow on our own – but we will never be able to fully fill the void and pain in our hearts without Jesus Christ.  I’m thankful that He kept pursuing me through my years of unbelief and turned me around in the right direction.

We invite you to attend our first Hearts Being Healed Conference in Prescott.

DATE:  Saturday August 17, 2024

TIME:  8-9:00 Check-in.   Conference 9:00 – 4:00.

VENUE:  Yavapai College Community Center,  Bldg. 19

1100 E. Sheldon St. Prescott , AZ



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